Our guest house is 24 seats
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Lăzarea (in Hungarian Gyergyószárhegy)
Is a
commune in Harghita county, Romania. To this commune belongs Ghiduţ.
It is situated northwards, 5 km from Gheorgheni, in the south part of
the Szármány mountain. Its name comes probably from the Szár
Brief History
territory has been inhabited since ancient times. Westwards from the
castle were found vestiges of an inhabited settlement from the Bronz
Age to the Early Middle Ages. The history of the commune interwines
with the history of the Lázár family. The castle has been built during
several phases, between 1450 and 1532. 1631 the castle was widened
with the constructio of bastions and defensive walls, it was built up
to a magnificient renaissance mansion. It became one of the most
important military-magisterial centres of Székely land.
Tourist attraction
The reconstruction of the Lazar castle has beginned. Since 1974
there has been organised creative camps.
The Roman Catholic
Church, which was built around 1235 in Romanesque style, in the 15th
century it has been rebuilt; its tower was built in 1488. 1590 it was
ravaged by a fire, as the Calvinists got hold if it they burned up its
altars. 1729 it was demolished, except the sanctuary and the tower,
and rebuilt. 1930 it was widened and the tower was upswept.
Szent Antal chapel from the 15th century was rebuilt by the Ballo
family from Băţan in 1700.
The Franciscan friary and church in
the Szarmany mountain was built between 1669 and 1752. The Head of the
friary between 1669 and 1674 was Kájoni János, whose monument can be
seen in the wall of the friary.
Local services and opportunities: toilette / WC, shower / bath-tub, kitchen, car park, bus park, telephone, tennis-court, living, tennis
Region services and opportunities: horse riding, fishing, forest/park, museum