

Cuciulata (Hungarian:Kucsuláta, German: Katscheloden) is a village in Braşov County, Romania.

The name

In the first historical document(1372) about the village Cuciulata was named Vila Roczolod, then, in 1589 - Kucsalota, in 1637 Kucstulata, and in 1648 Cuciulata was referred to as Kociulata.

Geographic position

Cuciulata is found on the south shore of Olt River, at the base of Perşani Mountains and being crossed by Lupşa Creek. The road DJ104 passes through the village center and DC20 road connects Cuciulata to Lupşa village.


Archaeological discoveries proved the existence of a settlement in this place thousands of years ago, back in the Bronze Age. Also they discovered the ruins of a Dacic stronghold dated from the 1st century BC in a place named "Stogul lui Coţofan" which is located in the south-east of village.

The first document concerning Cuciulata is a charter dating from July 16, 1372 in the time when Vlaicu Vodă reigned in Ţara Românească.

Historical monuments

  • the orthodox church "Cuvioasa Paraschiva" built in 1749
  • the memorial house of Aron Pumnul
  • the wooden church (perhaps 200 years old)
  • the cross from Harham


One of the most important income provider for the inhabitants is the Lafarge-Romcim owned cement factory. The factory uses raw material extracted from the nearby query located in Măgura hill. Beside this, agriculture and animal breeding provides additional income and a reliable source of living. The soil is fertile, most of it laying in the Olt river meadow. Husbandry is facilitated by the many pastures of the hilly surroundings, Poiana Popii and După Pleaşă being two of the most important. Drinking water is provided by Lupşa river. Cuciulata has potential for tourism but unfortunately local authorities policy in this way does not encourage such activities.





  • Aron Pumnul, the teacher of Eminescu
  • Sonia Cluceru, actor
  • Gheorghe Buzdugan, member of Romanian Academy
  • Viorel Moraru, rugby player
The following three mans took part to anticommunist resistance movement located in Fagaras Mountains: Ermil Roşală, Ioan Câcit, Aron Clem. <ref> Fragment from Brazii se frâng dar nu se îndoiesc by Ion Gavrilă-Ogoranu. www.miscarea.com </ref>




Braşov County

Photos in region

Izvoru Mureşului