

Mediaş (Hungarian: Medgyes, German: Mediasch) is a town in Romania. It is located in the heart of Transylvania, on the valley of Târnava Mare river in the Sibiu County.


<!--To be completed-->There has been a settlement at the town's location since prehistoric times.

Was one of the seven saxon cityes which give the name Siebenbürgen to the region.


<!--To be completed-->The population is around 55,403 inhabitants and the ethnical composition is:
  • 45,376 Romanians
  • 6,554 Hungarians
  • 2,202 Romas
  • 1,150 Germans
  • 121 other


<!--To be completed-->It is the second industrial center after Sibiu in the couty, being an important centre for automotive components production, glass production (the biggest industrial glass producer in Romania) and electrical ecomponents production. Also, the area is the biggest natural gas production area in Romania and in Medias lies the headquarters of the Romgaz the national gas xploatation enterprise and also Distrigaz Nord the natural gas distribuitor for the north side of the country.


<!--To be completed-->It has one of the best preserved historical centers in Romania and also some well preserved medieval fortifications.

The city les in the middle of the area which was inhabited by Transylvanian Saxons and in an area of 20 km around it there are a few dosens of fortified churches, two of them UNESCO World heritage sites.

Famous people

  • Christian Schesaus

External links

  • Find out more about Mediaş and see pictures from Mediaş
Municipalities in RomaniaSibiu County

Photos in region